Lonzozou Kpanake est psychologue clinicien, professeur en psychologie à l’Université TÉLUQ et titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en éthique empirique.
Ses intérêts de recherche portent sur les comportements ayant des conséquences sur la santé des individus (ex. la vaccination, le dépistage, l’observance thérapeutique, le recours aux soins de santé, les comportements de soins, et le don d’organes).
Ses travaux de recherche visent à :
- Comprendre les mécanismes psychosociaux menant à l’adoption du comportement
- Développer et évaluer des interventions visant un changement du comportement
- Examiner l’acceptabilité (par les personnes concernées) des interventions visant un changement du comportement
Le professeur Kpanake consacre sa recherche aux populations vulnérables, tant au Canada qu’à l’international, contribuant ainsi à réduire les inégalités en santé.
Chaire de recherche du Canada sur le jugement éthique
- Postdoctorat, département de psychiatrie, McGill University (Canada)
- Doctorat en psychologie, Université Toulouse II (France)
- Master professionnel en psychologie de la santé, Université Toulouse II
- Maîtrise en psychologie de la santé, Université de Lomé (Togo)
- Licence en psychologie, Université de Lomé
Champs d'expertise
- Vaccination
- Dépistage
- Observance thérapeutique
- Recours aux soins de santé
- Don d’organes
- Comportements de soins
Responsable des programmes d'études
Responsable des cours
Cours non disponibles au présent trimestre
- PSY 1320 - Les psychothérapies
Publications et communications
Publications avec comité de lecture
Boukpessi BT, Kpanake L, Gagnier JP (2023). Why are African immigrants in Montreal reluctant to use mental health services? A systematic inventory of reasons. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (in press)
Bagnulo A, Munoz Sastre MT, Kpanake L, Sorum PC, Mullet E (2023). Why patients in Uruguay agree to take or refuse to take antibiotics? An inventory of motives. American Journal of Health Behavior (in press)
Munoz Sastre MT, Kpanake L, Sorum PC, Mullet E (2023). Patients’ positions on the degree of trust to be placed in physicians. Psychological Reports, doi: 10.1177/00332941231197610
Cantisano N, Ettayea L, Frolleau E, Herath S, Kpanake L, Munoz Sastre MT, Sorum PC, Mullet E (2023). French lay persons’ judgments of the possibility of a heart attack when experiencing various physical manifestations. Preventive Medicine Reports, 36, 102411
Muñoz Sastre M-T, Sorum PC, Kpanake L, Mullet E. (2023). Judging the possibility of the onset of diabetes mellitus type 2 from reported behavioral changes and from family history. Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology, 9:1. doi.org/10.1186/s40842-022-00147-w.
Kpanake L., Pineda Marin C., Mullet E. (2022). Medición funcional en el dominio de la ética empírica. Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana, 39, 3, e205.
Kamble S, Muñoz Sastre MT, Kpanake L., Sorum PC. (2022). Young Indians’ willingness to make a living organ donation. Transplantation Proceedings, 54(3): 587-592.
Del Rio Forero, D., Marín, C.P., Sastre, M.T.M., Kpanake L, Mullet E. (2022). Mapping Colombians’ positions on sentencing for substance offenses. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 17, 57.
Mullet E, Guedj M, Kpanake L, & Munoz Sastre M-T. (2022). États d’esprit et motifs d’action. Collection Psychologie et Vie Quotidienne : Éditions Complicités.
Boukpessi T.B., Kpanake L., Gagnier J.P. (2021). Willingness to use mental health services for depression among African immigrants and White Canadian-born people in the province of Quebec, Canada. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 23(2):320-328.
Fruchart E., Kpanake L. (2021). Functional measurement and information integration theory: an applied psychology. European Review of Applied Psychology, 71, 5: 10.1016/j.erap.2021.100735.
Teodorescu DI, Muñoz Sastre MT, Kpanake L., Sorum PC. Mullet E. (2021). People’s positions regarding social security’s health insurance programs: the case of Romania. European Review of Applied Psychology, 71(5),100716.
Muñoz Sastre M.T., Sorum P.C., Kpanake L., Mullet E. (2021). French people's views on the allocation of organs for transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings, 53, 520-528.
Fraux C., Muñoz Sastre M. T., Kpanake L., Sorum P.C., Mullet E. (2021). French people’s views regarding xenotransplantation. Transplantation Proceedings, 53, 529-538.
Neto F., Kpanake L., Pineda Marin C., Mullet E. (2021). Citizens’ views on amnesties, truth commissions, and intergroup forgiveness. W. Lopez Lopez & L.K. Taylor (eds.), Transitioning to peace. Peace Psychology Book Series. Springer Nature, Switzerland.
Kpanake L., Mullet E. (2020). Éthique des soins : perspectives africaines. Éditions Complicités Universitaires.
Kpanake L., Adjiwanou V., Sorum P.C., Mullet E. (2020). Perspectives on non-clinical health care workers' moral obligation to report for work during virulent epidemics: an exploration in Guinea. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 25, 115-121.
Vera Cruz G., Humeau A., Kpanake L., Sorum P.C., Mullet E. (2020). Infant vaccination against malaria in Mozambique and in Togo: mapping parents' willingness to get their children vaccinated. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 16, 539-547.
Nacher M., Sastre M.T.M., Kpanake L., Mullet E. (2020). Mapping French people's positions regarding the children's right to know their biological parents' identity. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29,1723–1731.
Munoz Sastre M.T., Kpanake L., Mullet E. (2020). French people's positions on supervised injection facilities for drug users. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention & Policy, 15:79. doi: 10.1186/s13011-020-00321-2.
Castanié S., Munoz Sastre M.T., Kpanake L., Mullet E. (2020). Mapping and comparing French people's positions regarding restrictive control policies: a pilot study. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention & Policy, 15:25. doi: 10.1186/s13011-020-00267-5.
Kpanake L, Leno J-P, Sorum PC, & Mullet E. (2019). Acceptability of quarantine in contexts of communicable disease epidemics: perspectives of literate lay people in Conakry, Guinea. Epidemiology and Infection, 147, e248 1–7.
Kpanake L, Dounamou T, Sorum PC, & Mullet E. (2019). What motivates individuals to volunteer in Ebola epidemic response? a structural approach in Guinea. Human Resources for Health, 17:81. doi: 10.1186/s12960-019-0409-x.
Kpanake L, Igier V & Muñoz Sastre MT (2019). Cultural differences in perceived appropriateness of breaking bad news to patients: A direct comparison of Togo and France. Universitas Psychologica, 18, 2: doi:10.11144/Javeriana.upsy18-2.cdpa
Bagnulo A, Munoz Sastre MT, Kpanake L, Sorum PC & Mullet E. (2019). Why patients want to take or refuse to take antibiotics: an inventory of motives. BMC Public Health, 19:441. doi: 10.1186/s12889-019-6834-x.
Munoz Sastre MT, Pajot E, Kpanake L & Sorum PC, Mullet E (2019). Mapping French laypeople's views regarding living organ donation. Transplantation Proceedings, 51, 613-618.
Teodorescu DI, Muñoz Sastre MT, Kpanake L, Sorum PC, Mullet E. (2019). Romanian lay people's and health professionals' views regarding living organ donation. Transplantation Proceedings, 51, 1644-1650.
Kpanake, L., Sorum, P. C., & Mullet, E. (2018). Disclosing fathers' HIV infection to their sons in Togo. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(11): 3618-3626.
Kpanake, L., Sorum, P. C., & Mullet, E. (2018). Willingness to get vaccinated against Ebola: a mapping of Guinean people positions. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 14(10): 2391-2396.
Kpanake, L., Tonguino, T. K, Sorum, P. C., & Mullet, E. (2018). Duty to provide care to Ebola patients: the perspectives of Guinean lay people and healthcare providers. Journal of Medical Ethics, 44(9): 599-605.
Kpanake, L., Gbandey, S., Sorum, P. C., & Mullet, E. (2018). Acceptability of vaccination against HIV: a mapping of Togolese people's positions. Journal of Health Psychology, 23(6): 800-806.
Kpanake, L. (2018). Cultural concepts of the person and mental health in Africa. Transcultural Psychiatry, 55(2): 198-218.
Kpanake, L., Guedj, M., Rosier, M., Petitfils, C., Muñoz Sastre, M-T. (2018). Trois études d'éthique empirique : communication du diagnostic, réalisation d'un test génétique et avortement induit (pp 1-16). M. Préau & A Siméone (Eds). De l'expertise scientifique à l'expertise profane : postures, enjeux et méthodes dans le champ de la psychologie de la santé. Paris : Éditions des Archives Contemporaines.
Kpanake, L., Sorum, P. C., & Mullet, E. (2017). Allocation of antiretroviral drugs to HIV-infected patients in Togo: perspectives of people living with HIV and healthcare providers. Journal of Medical Ethics, 43(12): 845-851.
Kpanake, L., Jean-Jacques, R., Sorum, P. C., & Mullet, E. (2017). Haitian people's expectations regarding post-disaster humanitarian aid team's actions. Developing World Bioethics, 18(4): 385-393.
Kpanake, L. & Mullet, E. (2017). Western African lay people's and health professionals' views regarding pressing issues in bioethics (pp. 83-100). In M. C. Cole (Ed.). Bio and research ethics: issues, perspectives and challenges of the 21st century. Nova Science Publishers.
Kpanake, L., Sorum, P. C., & Mullet, E. (2016). Breaking bad news to Togolese patients. Health Communication, 31(11): 1311-1317.
Kpanake, L., Gossou, K., Sorum, P. C., & Mullet, E. (2016). Misconceptions about Ebola virus disease among lay people in Guinea: lessons for community education. Journal of Public Health Policy, 37(2): 160-172.
Kpanake, L., Sorum, P. C., & Mullet, E. (2016). The potential acceptability of infant vaccination against malaria: a mapping of parental positions in Togo. Vaccine, 34(4): 408-412.
Mullet, E., Kpanake, L., Kamble, S., Ahmed, R. A., Bugay, A., Muñoz Sastre, M-T, & Sorum, P. C. (2016). Mapping people's views regarding physician-assisted suicide: a five-country study. International Psychology Bulletin, 20, 16-25.
Mullet, E., López López, W., Kpanake, L., Mukashema, I., Armange, R., Kamble, S., Guedez, A. G., Muñoz Sastre, M. T., Sorum, P. C., & Neto, F. (2016). Functional measurement in the field of ethics in politics. Universitas Psychologica, 15, 3.
Kpanake, L. (2015). Counseling and psychotherapy in West-Africa: Mazabalo's story. In R. Moodley, M. Lengyell, R. Wu, & U. P. Gielen (Eds.) International counseling case studies handbook. Washington, DC: American Counseling Association
Kpanake, L., Dassa, S. K, Sorum, P. C., & Mullet, E. (2014). Togolese lay people's and health professionals' views about the acceptability of physician-assisted suicide. Journal of Medical Ethics, 40(9): 621-624.
Kpanake, L., Dassa, S. K, & Mullet, E. (2014). Is it acceptable for a physician to request informal payments for treatment? Laypeople's and health professionals' views in Togo. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 19, 296-302.
Mullet, E., Kpanake, L., Zounon O., Guedj, M., & Munoz Sastre, M. T. (2014). Putting Reversal Theory's model of four domains of experience in the hot seat. Journal of Motivation, Emotion and Personality, 2, 1–9.
Kpanake, L., Patassi, A., & Mullet, E. (2013). Criminal prosecution of a male partner for sexual transmission of infectious diseases: The views of educated people living in Togo. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 89, 290–294.
Kpanake, L., Dassa, S. K, & Mullet, E. (2013). Willingness to seek malaria treatment among Togolese people. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 18, 30–36.
Dassa, S.K., Kpanake, L., Kpelly, D.E.E., & Dovi A.G. (2013). Attachement parental et addiction aux substances psychoactives: Étude transversale comparative au Centre hospitalier spécialisé de Zébé, Togo. Perspectives Psychiatriques, 52, 371-377.
Mullet, E., Kpanake, L., & Neto, F. (2012). Lay people's views about Truth Commissions. Peace Review, 24, 359-365.
Mullet, E., Kpanake, L., Pinto M.C., & Neto, F., (2012). As perspectivas das pessoas sobre as comissões de verdade e reconciliação. Revista de Ciências Humanas e Artes, 18, 18-29.
Kpanake, L. & Ndoye, O. (2012). Counseling and psychotherapy in Francophone West Africa. In R. Moodley, U. P. Gielen, R. Wu (eds.). Handbook of counseling and psychotherapy in an international context. New York: Routledge.
Kpanake, L. (2012). Counselling in Francophone African populations. A reflection on Clemmont E. Vontress'works. In R. Moodley, L. Epp, Y. Humair (Eds.). Counseling across the cultural divide: A Clemmont Vontress Reader: The Vontress Reader. Ross-on-Wye, UK: PCCS Books.
Kpanake, L. & Muñoz Sastre, M. T. (2012). La dépigmentation de la peau chez les Africains. In, B. Cadet & G. Chasseigne. Quête de beauté, pratiques culturelles et risques. Paris : Publibook Université.
Chauvin, B., Kpanake, L., & Neto, F. (2012). La perception par le public des risques associés à l'usage des cosmétiques. In, B. Cadet & G. Chasseigne. Quête de beauté, pratiques culturelles et risques. Paris : Publibook Université.
Kpanake, L., & Mullet, E. (2011). What can reasonably be expected from a truth commission? A Togolese view. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 29, 201-224.
Kpanake, L., & Mullet, E. (2011). Judging the acceptability of amnesty: A Togolese perspective. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 28, 291-313.
Kpanake, L., & Mullet, E. (2011). Motives for skin bleaching among West Africans. Household and Personal Care Today, 1(Suppl.), 6-8.
Kpanake, L., & Mullet, E. (2010). Judgments of risk of becoming HIV-infected through sexual contact in Lomé, Togo. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 15, 166-171.
Kpanake, L., Muñoz Sastre, M. T., & Mullet, E. (2010). Skin bleaching among Togolese: A systematic inventory of motives. Journal of Black Psychology, 36, 350–368.
Dassa, SK., Kpanake, L., Tordjman, S., & Ferrari, S. (2010). Hystérisation de l'adolescence chez l'Africaine subsaharienne : au nom de la mère, contre le père et son vice? Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 58, 495-499.
Dassa KS, Kpanake L, Ouro-Sama TS, Ahyi RG (2010). Représentation culturelle de la maladie et désaffection pour la médecine moderne : cas des clients des CHU Tokoin et Campus de Lomé. Journal de Recherche de l'Université de Lomé, 12(1): 67-71.
Dassa SK, Ayelou B, Kpanake L, Djassoa G, Ahyi RG. (2010). Vécu et représentation de l'ulcère de Buruli dans le district de Sotouboua (Togo). Journal de Recherche de l'Université de Lomé, 12(1): 53-57.
Kpanake, L., Mullet, E., Muñoz Sastre, M.T., & Sorum, P.C. (2009). Misconceptions about Hepatitis C in the Togolese public. Preventive Medicine, 49, 269-271.
Kpanake, L., Dassa, S. K, & Mullet, E. (2009). Why most Togolese patients do not seek care for malaria in health care facilities: A theory-driven inventory of reasons. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 14, 502-510.
Dassa, S. K., Kpanake, L., & Welbeck, R., Ahyi, R G. (2009). Représentation et vécu de l'interruption volontaire de grossesse chez les femmes à Lomé (Togo). Perspectives Psychiatriques, 48, 326-332.
2008 et avant
Kpanake, L., Chauvin, B., & Mullet, E. (2008). Risk perception among African villagers without access to the media. Risk Analysis, 28, 193–202.
Kpanake, L., Muñoz Sastre, M. T., Mullet, E., & Sorum, P. C. (2008). Knowledge of the risks associated with skin bleaching among Togolese. Tropical Doctor, 38, 49-50.
Dassa S.K., Douti N. K., Kpanake, L., Koti B., & Küchenhoff, B. (2005). Typologie de la maltraitrance des enfants au Togo. Swiss Archives of Psychiatry & Neurology, 156, 240–246.
À ce jour, ses travaux de recherche sont financés par les Chaires de recherche du Canada, les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC), les Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Société et Culture (FQRSC), et les Fonds institutionnels de recherche de la TÉLUQ.