This partnership is about making work better. The focus is on social actors' experimentation in the world of work and whether it leads to work being better or worse.
Work is currently being turned upside down by a range of major changes. These exert a profound impact on how people experience their work, participate in their communities and live their lives. The rise of new technologies, changes in the role of the state, the recasting of company boundaries, the growth of global production networks, the challenge of sustainable development and shifts in identity, solidarity and values are all transforming work. So much so that existing institutions for the regulation of work
seem out of synch with the experience of millions of people. Whereas there is an aspiration for productive, innovative, healthy and inclusive work, in which individuals live free from excessive insecurity, exercise control over their working lives and contribute to their workplace and society - what we label better work - quite a different picture often emerges from the impact of current changes, where fragmented work results in disjointed communities.

Chercheur principal

Gregor Murray (Université de Montréal)


Marie-Josée Legault; Guylaine Vallée (UdeM); Gilles Trudeau (UdeM); Isabelle Martin (UdeM); Ian Macdonald (UdeM); Mélanie Laroche (UdeM); Patrice Jalette (UdeM); France Houle (UdeM); Jeffrey Hilgert (UdeM); Émilie Genin (UdeM); Isabelle Duplessis (UdeM); Mélanie Dufour-Poirier (UdeM); René-Claude Drouin (UdeM); Michel Coutu (UdeM); Philippe Barre (UdeM); Nicolas Roby (UdeM); Lucie Morissette (HEC); Christian Levesque (HEC); Marc-Antonin Hennebert (HEC); Urwana Coiquaud (HEC); Armel Brice Adanhounme (UQTR); Catherine Le Capitaine (UL); Lyse Langlois (UL); Anne-Marie Laflamme (UL); Martin Dumas (UL); Adelle Blackette (McGill); Graciella Bensusan (Universitad Autonoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco); Johanna Weststar (Western Ontario); Jorge Hector Carrillo Viveros (Collegio de la Frontera Norte); Kendra Strauss (SFU); Kevin Banks (Queen's University); Olga Tregaskis (University of East Anglia); Robert Hickey (Queen's University); Todd Rutherford (Syracuse University); Tony Edwards (King's College London); Dominique Meda (Université Paris Dauphine); Isabelle Daugareilh (Centre National de recherche scientifique); Isabelle Ferreras (Catholic University of Louvain); Laurent Taskin (Catholic University of Louvain); Matthieu Denanteuil (Catholic University of Louvain); Phil Almond (De Montfort University); Marco Hauptmeier (Cardiff University); Maria Gonzales (University of Oviedo); Virginia Doellgast (Cornell University); Adrienne Heaten (Rutgers, the state university of New Jersey); Alexander Colvin (Cornell University); Charlotte Ytes (University of Guelph); David Peets (Griffith University); Morgan Glen (University of Bristol); Janice Fine (Rutgers, the state university of New Jersey); Judy Fudge (University of Victoria); Nikolaus Hammer (University of Leicester); Pauline Stanton (RMIT University); Peter David Fairbrother (RMIT University); Peter Turnbull (University of Bristol); Rosemary Batt (Cornell University); Sarah Charlesworth (RMIT University); Valeria Pulignano (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); Weiguo Yang (Renmin University of China); Wei Huang (Renmin University of China)

Organisme subventionnaire

CRSH (Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada)


Subvention de partenariat

Secteur de recherche

Transformations sociales, organisationnelles et professionnelles en contexte d'internationalisation, d'informatisation et de multiculturalisme


2016 - 2024

Montant accordé

2 500 000,00 $