The funds provided from the Planning and Dissemination Grant will be used to address patterns of food insecurity and poor health resulting from the globalization of Haiti’s local food economy, an effect considered a transnational health threat. The design will follow the Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research’s Principles for Global Health Research to explore the neglected diseases of Haiti’s poor who are no longer able to participate in the production of their own internal food economy due to stiff foreign competition from imported foods. In an act of responsiveness to causes of inequities by globalization, the grant will focus on determining, with humility and inclusion, the expert knowledge held by the peasantry in regards to the functioning of Haiti’s internal food economy, understanding that science needs to be suited and sensitive to the local context. In this way, the design creates equity in the research process and in the research outcomes. Authentic partnering with local stakeholders to collaboratively plan and design the research project will ensure the shared benefits of the knowledge generated with local knowledge users, government bodies and researchers in Global Health. This engagement of local actors, to meet their needs through knowledge generation by learning research skills and gaining usable research data outcomes to be built upon in subsequent research, demonstrates a commitment to the future.

Chercheur principal

Myriam Fillion

Organisme subventionnaire

IRSC (Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada)


Subventions de planification et de dissémination

Secteur de recherche

Santé et sécurité au travail


2019 - 2019

Montant accordé

19 930,00 $