AGE-WELL NCE (Aging Gracefully across Environments using Technology to Support Wellness, Engagement and Long Life NCE Inc.) is Canada’s technology and aging network. AGE-WELL is dedicated to the creation of technologies and services that benefit older adults and caregivers. Our aim is to help older Canadians maintain their independence, health and quality of life through technologies and services that increase their safety and security, support their independent living, and enhance their social participation.
Chercheur principal
Alex Mihailidis (University Health Network) et Andrew Sixsmith (Simon Fraser University)
Louise Sauvé; David Kaufman (Simon Fraser University) et 20 autres co-chercheurs
Organisme subventionnaire
RCE (Réseaux des Centres d'Excellence)
Secteur de recherche
Systèmes intelligents, sciences et technologies de l'information
2015 - 2020
Montant accordé
70 500,00 $
Portion de la TÉLUQ pour la 1ère année. Demande totale de 35 000 000$