Jessica Maria-Violanda Spagnolo est professeure régulière en organisation des services de santé et des services sociaux. Elle a complété un postdoctorat à l’Université de Sherbrooke (2019-2023), un doctorat en santé publique à l’Université de Montréal (2013-2019), ainsi qu’une maîtrise (2011-2013) et un baccalauréat (2008-2011) en travail social à l’Université McGill. À travers sa formation en travail social à l'Université McGill, elle a travaillé dans plusieurs milieux de la santé et des services sociaux.
Sa programmation de recherche vise à mieux comprendre les stratégies et les interventions pour accroître l’accès aux services de santé mentale via les soins primaires et les milieux communautaires, au Québec ainsi qu’à l’international.
Jessica Maria-Violanda Spagnolo est également chercheuse au Centre de recherche Charles-Le Moyne.
- Postdoctorat, Département des sciences de la santé communautaire, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
- Doctorat (PhD) en santé publique, École de santé publique, Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada
- Maîtrise en travail social (MSW), École de travail social, Université McGill, Québec, Canada
- Baccalauréat en travail social (BSW), École de travail social, Université McGill, Québec, Canada
Champs d'expertise
- Administration et organisation des services (ex. : l'intégration des services de santé mentale dans les soins primaires et milieux communautaires)
- Accès aux services de santé mentale
- Formation des intervenants
- Adaptation des programmes à divers contextes et groupes
- Trajectoires des services
- Évaluation des programmes
- Méthodes mixtes
- Transfert des connaissances
Projets de recherche
Institut de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC)
Building capacity to optimize the delivery of perinatal mental health psychological services through the increased involvement of non-mental health specialists in Québec, Canada – Chercheuse principale (2023-2024)
Institut de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC)
Un réseau de services intégrés culturellement adapté pour les jeunes personnes de 12 à 25 ans issues de la diversité : cas d'Aire ouverte – Co-chercheuse (2022-2026)
* Chercheuses principales : Naïma Bentayeb, & Cécile Rousseau
Institut de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC)
Evidence-based interventions to address social anxiety disorder during COVID-19 – Co-chercheuse (2022-2024)
* Chercheuses principales : Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, & Pasquale Roberge
Institut de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC)
Optimizing regionally centralized services in musculoskeletal health for patient, professional and system outcomes – Co-chercheuse (2022-2023)
* Chercheuse principale : Marie Beauséjour
Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec (RRSPQ)
Interventions en santé mentale dans la Francophonie : quelles sont les leçons apprises sur l'offre et l'accès aux services en temps de pandémie? – Chercheuse principale (2021-2023)
Institut de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC)
Mental health planning in the era of a pandemic: appropriately matching mental health needs with resources across Canada through a rapid assessment of COVID-19's impact on adults and older adults – Co-chercheuse (2020-2024)
* Chercheuse principale : Helen-Maria Vasiliadis
Publications et communications
Voici, s'il y a lieu, les documents disponibles dans R-libre, le répertoire de publications de recherche de la TÉLUQ.
Articles de revues avec comité de lecture
Vasiliadis, H.-M., SPAGNOLO, J., Fleury, M.-J., Gouin, J.-P., Roberge, P., Bartram, M., Grenier, S., Vena, J., & Wang, J. (2023). Mental health service use and associated predisposing, enabling and need factors in community living adults and older adults across Canada. BMC Health Services Research.
Keynejad, R., SPAGNOLO, J., & Thornicroft, G. (2022). Mental healthcare in primary and community-based settings: evidence beyond the World Health Organization mental health gap action programme (mhGAP) intervention guide. Evidence-Based Mental Health. 0:1–7. doi: 10.1136/ebmental-2021-300401
SPAGNOLO, J., Beauséjour, M., Fleury, M.-J., Clément, J.-F., Gamache, C., Sauvé, C., Couture, L., Knight, S., Gilbert, C., & Vasiliadis, H.-M. (2022). Perceptions on barriers, facilitators, and recommendations related to mental health service delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic in Quebec, Canada: a qualitative study. BMC Primary Care; 23:32. doi: 10.1186/s12875-022-01634-w
SPAGNOLO, J., Breton, M., Sasseville, M., Sauvé, C., Clément, J.-F., Fleet, R., Tremblay, M-C., Rodrigue, C., Lebel, C., & Beauséjour, M. (2021). Exploring the implementation and underlying mechanisms of centralized referral systems to access specialized health services in Quebec. BMC Health Services Research; 21:1345. doi: 10.1186/s12913-021-07286-3.
SPAGNOLO, J., Naslund, J.A., Saeed, K., & Saxena, S. (2021). Where are the regional gaps in the scientific evidence? The Lancet Psychiatry. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(21)00157-7.
SPAGNOLO, J., & Lal, S. (2021). Implementation and use of the Mental Health Gap Action Programme Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG): a review of documentation from the grey literature. Journal of Global Health; 11:04022. doi: 10.7189/jogh.11.04022.
Keynejad, R., SPAGNOLO, J., Thornicroft, G. (2021). The World Health Organization mental health gap action programme (mhGAP) intervention guide: updated systematic review on evidence and impact. Evidence-Based Mental Health; 0:1-7. doi: 10.1136/ebmental-2021-300254.
Vasiliadis, H.-M., SPAGNOLO, J., & Lesage, A. (2021). Public funding of evidence-based psychotherapy for common mental disorders: increasing calls for action in Canadian provinces. Healthcare Policy; 16(3): 16-25. doi: 10.12927/hcpol.2021.26437.
SPAGNOLO, J., Charfi, F., Larbi Doghri, L., Bram, N., & Melki, W. (2021). What did we learn from a pilot trial to inform the scale-up of a training based on the Mental Health Gap Action Programme in Tunisia? Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal; 27(6).
Charfi, F., Ouali, U., SPAGNOLO, J., Belhadj, A., Nacef, F., Saidi, O., & Melki, W. (2021). Highlighting successes and challenges of the mental health system in Tunisia: An overview of services, facilities, and human resources. Journal of Mental Health. doi: 10.1080/09638237.2021.1875414.
SPAGNOLO, J., Vasiliadis, H.-M., Champagne, F., Leduc, N., Melki, W., Saeed, K., & Charfi, F. (2020). The influence of primary care physicians’ mental health knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy on referrals to specialized services: findings from a longitudinal pilot trial in Tunisia. BJPsych Open; 6(6): e130. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2020.115.
SPAGNOLO, J., Gautier, L., Seppey, M., & D’souza, N. (2020). Re-thinking global and public health projects during the COVID-19 pandemic context: considerations and recommendations for early- and not-so-early-career researchers. Social Sciences and Humanities Open; 2(1): 100075. doi: 10.1016/j.ssaho.2020.100075.
SPAGNOLO, J., Gautier, L., Champagne, F., Leduc, N., Melki, W., N'Guessan, K., & Charfi, F. (2020). Reflecting on knowledge dissemination strategies from global health research projects in Tunisia and the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire. International Journal of Public Health: 1-12. doi: 10.1007/s00038-020-01502-3.
Abbass, A., Tasca, G., Vasiliadis, H.-M., SPAGNOLO, J.., Kealy, D., Hébert, C., Doidge, N., Drapeau, M., & Clarke, J. (2020) Psychodynamic therapy in Canada in the era of evidence-based practice. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. doi: 10.1080/02668734.2020.1803390.
Gautier, L., SPAGNOLO, J., Quesnel-Vallée, A. (2020). Comment favoriser la communication thérapeutique avec une population vulnérable? Des approches et des outils pour les professionnels prenant en charge les mineurs non accompagnés. Migrations Société; 3(181):121-134.
SPAGNOLO, J., Champagne, F., Leduc, N., Rivard, M., Melki, W., Piat, M., Laporta, M., Bram, N., Guesmi, I., & Charfi, F. (2020). Building capacity in mental health care in low- and middle-income countries by training primary care physicians using the mhGAP: a randomized controlled trial. Health Policy and Planning, Vol 35(2). doi: 10.1093/heapol/czz138.
Piat, M., SPAGNOLO, J., Thibodeau-Gervais, S., Deschamps, C., & Gosselin, Y. (2019). Mental health recovery narratives: their impact on service users and other stakeholder groups. Mental Health and Social Inclusion, Vol 23(4): doi:10.1108/MHSI-08-2019-0021.
SPAGNOLO, J., Champagne, F., Leduc, N., Melki, W., Bram, N., Guesmi, I., Rivard, M., Bannour, S., Bouabid, L., Hassine Ganzoui, S.N.H., Mongi, B.M., Riahi, A., Saoud, Z., Zine, E., Piat, M., Laporta, & Charfi, F. (2019). A program to further integrate mental health into primary care: Lessons learned from a pilot trial in Tunisia. Journal of Global Health Reports, Vol 3(e2019022): doi:10.29392/joghr.3.e2019022.
SPAGNOLO, J., Champagne, F., Leduc, N., Melki W, Piat, M., Laporta, Bram, N, Guesmi I, & Charfi, F. (2018). “We find what we look for, and we look for what we know”: Factors interacting with a mental health training program to influence its expected outcomes in Tunisia. BMC Public Health, 18(1398): doi:10.1186/s12889-018-6261-4.
SPAGNOLO, J., Champagne, F., Leduc, N., Rivard, M., Piat, M., Laporta, M., Melki, W., & Charfi, F. (2018). Mental health knowledge, attitudes and self-efficacy among general practitioners working in the Greater Tunis area of Tunisia. International Journal of Mental Health, 12(63): doi: 10.1186/s13033-018-0243-x.
SPAGNOLO, J., Champagne, F., Leduc, N., Melki, W., Guesmi, I., Bram, N., Piat, M., Laporta, M., & Charfi, F. (2018). Tailoring a training based on the mhGAP-IG to Tunisia: Process and relevant adaptations. Global Mental Health, 5, e17. doi:10.1017/gmh.2018.8.
SPAGNOLO, J., Champagne, F., Leduc, N., Piat, M., Melki, W., Charfi, F., & Laporta, M. (2017). Building system capacity for the integration of mental health at the level of primary care in Tunisia: a study protocol in global mental health. BMC Health Services Research, 17(38): doi: 10.1186/s12913-017-1992-y.
Tremblay, A.-M., SPAGNOLO, J., De Allegri, M., & Ridde, V. (2016). Does Performance-Based Financing Increase Value for Money in Low- and Middle- Income Countries? A Systematic Review. Health Economics Review, 6(30), 1-18.
SPAGNOLO, J. (2014). Improving First Line Mental Health Services in Canada: Addressing Two Challenges of the Deinstitutionalization Movement. Healthcare Quarterly, 17(4), 41-45.
Chapitres de livres
Naslund, J.A., & SPAGNOLO, J. (2023). Cultural Adaptations of Digital Therapeutics. In: Digital Therapeutics for Mental Health and Addiction: The State of the Science and Vision for the Future, edited by Jacobson, Kowatsch, and Marsch (Elsevier), pages 151-164.
Thèses et mémoires
SPAGNOLO, J. (2019). Global mental health: building the capacity for the integration of mental health in primary care in Tunisia. Université de Montréal. Papyrus : Dépôt institutionnel, pages 1-498. https://papyrus.bib.umontreal.ca/xmlui/handle/1866/22427.