Program direction
Publications & Presentations
This section shows the documents (if any) that are available in R-libre, TELUQ's open access research publication repository.
Journal articles (refereed)
Chachoui, Yasmine; Azizi, Nabiha; Hotte, Richard, & Benseba, Tahar (2024). Enhancing algorithmic assessment in education: Equi-fused-data-based SMOTE for balanced learning.. Computer and Education : Artificial intelligence, 6, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.caeai.2024.100222
Maïga, Alhoudourou, A., & Hotte, Richard (2021). Monographie de l'enfant de Gao : l'école en Afrique subsaharienne. Graphies Francophones (001), 284-298.
Contamines, Julien; Paquette, Gilbert, & Hotte, Richard (2009). LÉO, assistant logiciel pour une scénarisation pédagogique dirigée par les compétences.. Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire, 6 (2-3), 26-33.
Hotte, Richard; Basque, Josianne; Page-Lamarche, Violaine, & Ruelland, Diane (2007). Ingénierie des compétences et scénarisation pédagogique. Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire, 4 (2), 38-56.
Paquette, Gilbert (2010). Visual Knowledge Modeling for Semantic Web Technologies - Models and Ontologies. Hersey - New York, U.S.A. : Information Science Reference (IGI Global). ISBN 978-1-61520-839-5
Papers in conference proceedings (refereed)
Hotte, Richard; Maïga, Alhoudourou, A.; Abid, Mariem, & Mimoudi, Aziz (2023). IdO-AMI : une solution à l'éducation en zone défavorisée. In Hotte, Richard (Ed.), Actes du colloque internatonial sur les objects et systèmes connectés (COC23) (p. 284-298). France (https://hal.science/hal-04223251) : HAL archives ouvertes.
Hotte, Richard; Masmoudi, Anis; Jaballah, Aymen; Masmoudi, Omar, & Maïga, Alhoudourou, A. (2022). Work-in-Progress about dynamicity as a foundation for AMI, a mobile intelligent and adaptive learning system. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL 2022). New Realities, Mobile Systems and Applications, vol. 411 (p. 111-119). Thessaloniki, Greece : Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-96296-8 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-96296-8_11
Gouin-Vallerand, Charles; Ferreira, Susan M., & Hotte, Richard (2018). Towards a mobile serious game environment for children self-learning. In Proceeding of 4th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good (GoodTechs'18). Bologna, Italy : Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). ISBN 978-1-4503-6581-9 https://doi.org/10.1145/3284869.3284901
M'Ballo, Marie-Hélène; Diop, Alassane; Hotte, Richard, & Niang, Ibrahima (2018). Forming groups of mobile learners that promote collaborative learning supported by mobile devices. In Kebe, C.; Gueye, A., & Ndiaye, A. (Ed.), Proceedings of EAI International Conference on Innovations and Interdisciplinary Solutions for Underserved Areas, CNRIA 2017, InterSol 2017 (p. 56-65). Cham, Switzerland : Springer, coll. « Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering book series », vol. 204.
Hotte, Richard; Ferreira, Susan M.; Abdessettar, Saâd, & Gouin-Vallerand, Charles (2017). Digital Learning Game Scenario: A pedagogical Pattern applied to Serious Game Design. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017). Porto, Portugal.
Ferreira, Susan; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles, & Hotte, Richard (2016). Game based learning: a case study on designing an educational game for children in developing countries.. In Proceeding of 8th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications, vol. 4, no 16. Barcelone, Espagne.
Hotte, Richard (2016). Conception d'un patron nommé Learning Game Scenario. In Actes de la Journée scientifique du LICEF. Modélisation d'environnements fonctionnels. (p. 89-93;). Montréal, Canada : TÉLUQ.
Abdessettar, Saâd; Hotte, Richard; Gardoni, Mickaël, & Abdulrazak, Bessam (2016). Persuasive Technologies for Efficient Adaptable Self-Education Where There is Limited Access to School: Kids' Smart Mobile School Project. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning ELML 2016. Venise, Italie.
M'Ballo, Marie-Hélène; Diop, Alassane; Hotte, Richard, & Niang, Ibrahima (2016). Mobile Learning : hierarchical architecture : geographical location and routing of mobiles nodes. In Proceedings of World Symposium on computer applications & research (WSCAR'16) (p. 78 - 82). Caire, Egypte : IEEE. ISBN 978-1-5090-4114-5 https://doi.org/10.1109/WSCAR.2016.12
Wassa Mballo, Marie-Hélène; Diop, Alassane; Hotte, Richard, & Niang, Ibrahima (2015). A model of computer support to mobile learning in the senegalese educational system. In Proceedings of the Global Summit on Computer & Information Technology (GSCIT), 2015 (p. 1 - 6). Sousse, Tunisie : IEEE. ISBN 978-1-4673-6586-4 https://doi.org/10.1109/GSCIT.2015.7353326
Wassa Mballo, M.-H.; Hotte, Richard; Diop, Alassane, & Niang, Ibrahima (2014). Mobile learning, a solution to vocational training in Senegal. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Web & Open Access to Learning (ICWOAL 2014). Dubai, United Arab Emirates : IEEE.
Hotte, Richard (2012). Apprendre dans son espace Web. In Actes du colloque international de l'université de l'ère numérique (CIUEN 2012). Lyon, France.
Other non refereed contributions
Zerkouk, Meriem; Chikhaoui, Belkacem; Hotte, Richard, & Wang, Shengrui (2023). Le raccrochage scolaire à distance : un projet innovant pour un enjeu de société (rapport de recherche). Université TÉLUQ.