
I have been professor at Université TÉLUQ from 1986 to my retirement in 2016. I contributed primarily to the general science programs. I designed not only physics courses, but also courses on history of science, science education, science methods and open science.
My field of research was the application of information technology, more specifically multimedia and simulation, to science education. I developed a virtual physics laboratory and several multimedia/simulation applications for physics and chemistry education, and investigated their use in various research projects.
I was also interested, and maintain research activities since my retirement on open access, copyright, and intellectual property in higher education. I coauthored a book (in French), and regularly write and give talks on these subjects.
PhD (Physics: optics and lasers), Laval University, Quebec City (1991).
Research Interests
- Use of simulation and multimédia for teaching science and research methods
- Copyright and intellectual property in higher education
- Open access to scholarly publications
1. Non-disciplinary simulations
Two simulations developed and used in the course of a research project investigating open-ended problem solving strategies of undergraduate students.
2. VR Molecules
An award-winning simulation application for the visualization and exploration of molecule vibration and rotation, with the possibility to create and save multimedia presentations integrating simulation, text and sound.
3. The photoelectric effect
A realistic simulation of the photoelectric effect experiment.
- Acces to simulation (online and stand-alone versions)
4. Virtual Physics Lab
A simulation-based environment for learning the experimental method and physics concepts related to the simulated experiments.
For details, go to the Virtual Physics Lab Web site (in a new window), featuring among others, a description of the environment and a downloadable prototype.
Warning! The interface of the prototype is entirely in English, but many documents (including the online help) have not been translated into English. But there's plenty to see... and do!
Publications & Presentations
Journal articles (refereed)
Francis, Alexandre, & Couture, Marc (2004). Credibility of a simulation-based virtual laboratory: An exploratory study of learner judgments of verisimilitude. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 14 (4), 439-464.
Couture, Marc, & Bélanger, Pierre-André (1981). From Gaussian beam to complex-source-point spherical wave. Physical Review A, 24 (1), 355-359. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.24.355
Couture, Marc (2004). Simulation multimédia à interactivité variable. Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire, 1 (1), 27-32. https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2004.30
Couture, Marc (2015). Enseigner en ligne au moyen d’un wiki : enjeux éthiques et choix technopédagogiques. Éthique publique, 17 (2). https://doi.org/10.4000/ethiquepublique.2243
Couture, Marc, & Piché, Michel (1993). Focusing properties of an axicon pair. Canadian Journal of Physics, 71 (1-2), 70-78. https://doi.org/10.1139/p93-011
Couture, Marc (2004). Realism in the design process and credibility of a simulation-based virtual laboratory. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 20 (1), 40-49. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2729.2004.00064.x
Couture, Marc (2010). Les références aux documents en ligne dans les textes scientifiques. Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire, 7 (2), 6-19. https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2010.178
Couture, Marc, & Meyor, Catherine (2008). Simulations informatiques adisciplinaires et résolution de problèmes ouverts : une étude exploratoire auprès d’étudiants en formation des maîtres. Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire, 5 (2), 50-67. https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2008.150
Couture, Marc, & Piché, Michel (1987). Resonator with variable-reflectivity output coupler. Applied Optics, 26 (13), 2510-2513. https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.26.002510
Bélanger, Pierre-André, & Couture, Marc (1983). Boundary diffraction of an inhomogeneous wave. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 73, 2510-2513. https://doi.org/10.1364/JOSA.73.000446
Couture, Marc, & Piché, Michel (1988). On longitudinal mode spacing of laser cavities with pairs of gratings. Applied Physics B, 45(2), 93-95.
Couture, Marc; Dubé, Marcel, & Malissard, Pierrick (2010). Propriété intellectuelle et université : entre la libre circulation des idées et la privatisation des savoirs. Québec, Canada : Presses de l'Université du Québec, coll. « Enseignement supérieur ».
Couture, Marc, & Fournier, René-Paul (Ed.). (1997). La recherche en sciences et en génie : guide pratique et méthodologique. Québec, Canada : Presses de l'Université Laval. ISBN 2-7637-7533-0
Book chapters
Sale, Arthur; Couture, Marc; Rodrigues, Eloy; Carr, Leslie, & Harnad, Stevan (2014). Open access mandates and the ‘fair dealing’ button. In Coombe, Rosemary J., & Wershler, Darren (Ed.), Dynamic fair dealing: Creating Canadian culture online. Toronto, Canada : University of Toronto Press.
Couture, Marc (1997). Le projet de recherche. In Couture, Marc, & Fournier, René-Paul (Ed.), La recherche en sciences et en génie : guide pratique et et méthodologique (p. 87-104). Québec, Canada : Presses de l'Université Laval.
Duquet, Diane, & Couture, Marc (1997). L’éthique et l’intégrité en recherche. In Couture, Marc, & Fournier, René-Paul (Ed.), La recherche en sciences et en génie (p. 203-230). Québec, Canada : Presses de l'Université Laval.
Couture, Marc (1997). Les études de maîtrise et de doctorat. In Couture, Marc, & Fournier, René-Paul (Ed.), La recherche en sciences et en génie : guide pratique et et méthodologique (p. 63-86). Québec, Canada : Presses de l'Université Laval.
Couture, Marc (2018). L’accès libre : évolution et enjeux actuels. In Tremblay, Émilie, & Dorcé, Ricardo (Ed.), Les Classiques des sciences sociales : 25 ans de partage des savoirs dans la francophonie (p. 145-168). Québec, Canada : Éditions Science et bien commun. ISBN 978-2-924661-52-9
Papers in conference proceedings (refereed)
Couture, Marc (2012). Effect of disciplinary content of a simulation on open-ended problem-solving strategies. In Pinto, Roser; Lopez, Victor, & Simarro, Cristina (Ed.), Computer based learning in science – Conference Proceedings 2012. Learning science in the society of computers (p. 294-303). Barcelone, Espagne : Centre for Research in Science and Mathematics Education (CRECIM).
Meyor, Catherine; Cavalli, Chiara, & Couture, Marc (2013). L’application informatique adisciplinaire : analyse d’une démarche de résolution de problème en vue d’un bilan des compétences. In Actes du VIIe colloque Questions de pédagogies dans l’enseignement supérieur. Les innovations pédagogiques en enseignement supérieur : pédagogies actives en présentiel et à distance (p. 431-436). Sherbrooke, Canada : Université de Sherbrooke.
Couture, Marc, & Cavalli, Chiara (2013). L’effet du caractère disciplinaire d’une simulation informatique sur les stratégies de résolution de problèmes ouverts. In Karsenti, Thierry; Dumouchel, Gabriel, & Collin, Simon (Ed.), Actes du congrès international TIC en éducation. Bilan, enjeux actuels et perspectives futures (p. 280-288). Montréal, Canada : Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante (CRIFPE).
Couture, Marc; Meyor, Catherine; Potvin, Patrice, & Riopel, Martin (2013). Simulations éducatives adisciplinaires et résolution de problèmes. In Karsenti, Thierry; Colllin, Simon, & Dumouchel, Gabriel (Ed.), Actes du congrès international TIC en éducation. Bilan, enjeux actuels et perspectives futures. Montréal, Canada : Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante.
Meyor, Catherine, & Couture, Marc (2007). La Boîte Noire. Conception et expérimentation pédagogique de simulations informatiques adisciplinaires. In Marquet, Pascal; Hedjerassi, Nassira; Jarlégan, Annette; Pacurar, Ecaterina, & Remoussenard, Patricia (Ed.), Actes du congrès international Actualité de la recherche en éducation et en formation (AREF). Strasbourg, France : Association des enseignants et des chercheurs en sciences de l'éducation.
Couture, Marc, & Meyor, Catherine (2007). La Boîte Noire : conception et expérimentation de simulations informatiques non disciplinaires pour susciter et soutenir la réflexion épistémologique. In Actes du 24e congrès de l'Association internationale de pédagogie universitaire (AIPU) (p. 382-384). Montréal, Canada : Université de Montréal.
Conference presentations (refereed)
Couture, Marc (Jul 2009). Open Access journals copyright policies: An analysis of the information available to prospective authors. Paper presented at the Public Knowledge Project Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Couture, Marc, Meyor, Catherine, Potvin, Patrice, & Riopel, Martin (2012, June). Non-disciplinary simulations: A tool for investigating and assessing problem-solving skills and strategies. Paper presented at Computer Based Learning in Science (CBLIS), Barcelona, Spain.
Lundgren-Cayrol, Karin, De la Teja, Ileana, Ruelland, Diane, Henri, France, & Couture, Marc (2005, June). eLearning reality, ID processes and pedagogical objects. Paper presented at ED-MEDIA 2005, Montréal, Canada.
Couture, Marc, & Francis, Alexandre (2000, June). Realism and credibility in a virtual physics laboratory: An empirical study, Paper presented at ED-Media 2000, Montréal, Canada.
Couture, Marc et Francis, Alexandre (2000, Feb.). Realism and credibility in a simulation-dased learning environment: the Virtual Physics Laboratory (VPLab). Demo presented at Mathematics/Science Education & Technology (M/SET) 2000 Conference, San Diego, CA.
Other refereed contributions
Francis, Alexandre, & Couture, Marc (2002). Credibility of a computer simulation-based science laboratory: An exploratory study of learners' verisimilitude judgments (rapport technique). Université TÉLUQ, Centre de recherche LICEF.
Journal articles (non refereed)
Couture, Marc (2017, June). Academic publishing at a crossroads. University Affairs.
Couture, Marc (2017, Jan.). Steering clear of predatory open access journals: Beyond Beall's List. University Affairs.
Other non refereed contributions
Couture, Marc (2020). Canadian OA scholarly journals: An exhaustive survey. Unpublished manuscript, Université TÉLUQ.
Couture, Marc (2015). Les licences Creative Commons et l’accès libre. Unpublished manuscript, Université TÉLUQ, Département Science et Technologie.
Community Service
Current activities
Member (2020-...) of Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ) Editorial subcommitee.
Associate Editor (2016-...); Editorial Board member (2004-...) of the International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education (IJTHE).
Previous activities
Associate professor, Institut des sciences, des technologies et des études avancées d'Haïti (ISTEAH) (2013-2018).
Board member, Presses de l'Université du Québec (2014-2017).
In charge of R-libre, TÉLUQ open access research repository (2013-2016).
Member of FRQSC (Québec HSS research funding body) committee on scholarly journal support (2013).
Member of Université du Québec's workgroup on open access (2013-2015).
Member of TÉLUQ's ethics in research review committee (2010-2014).
Member (2006-2007), then president (2008-2009) of UQAM institutional self-archiving committee, in charge of Archipel (UQAM research repository).
Member of Fédération québécoise des professeures et professeurs d'université (FQPPU ) committee on intellectual property (2001-2002).