Jean-François' research primarily focuses on the role of party and international politics in the dynamics of cultural recognition. He has published three books (one edited), over a dozen articles in peer-reviewed journals and many chapters in collective works. He has also given multiple presentations and talks internationally.
Before arriving at Université TÉLUQ, Jean-François had been a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Taiwan Studies and at the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa, as well as at Academia Sinica’s Institute of Sociology in Taiwan. He has also taught at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU-CPCE) and the University of Hong Kong (HKU SPACE).
Having a particular interest in language issues and in Hong Kong politics, he currently chairs the Research Committee on the Politics of Language (RC50) of the International Political Science Association and serves as editor of the Routledge Research on Hong Kong Series.
Program direction
Course under preparation
- POL 4300 - La Chine et le monde
Publications & Presentations
This section shows the documents (if any) that are available in R-libre, TELUQ's open access research publication repository.
Edited books (1):
2025. The Politics of Language in Hong Kong. Abingdon: Routledge (Research on Hong Kong Series).
Books (2):
2024. Hong Kong conquise. Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
2017. Culture Politics and Linguistic Recognition in Taiwan: Ethnicity, Identity, and the Party System. Abingdon: Routledge (Research on Taiwan Series). (Cited by 10)
Peer reviewed articles (13):
2022. “Language Politics and Policy under Tsai Ing-wen”. International Journal of Taiwan Studies, 5(2), 224-248.
2021. « Mouvements sociaux, partis politiques, et l’évolution du nationalisme hongkongais » [Social Movements, Political Parties, and the Evolution of Hong Kong Nationalism]. Politique et sociétés, 40(2) :51-74.
2020. “Making Hong Kong Chinese: State Nationalism and its Blowbacks in a Recalcitrant City”. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 26(1): 8-26. (SSCI Emerging Sources; Cited by 10).
2020. (With André Lecours) “The Emergence and Radicalization of Self-Determination Claims in Hong Kong and Catalonia: a historical institutionalist perspective”. Ethnicities, 20(1): 3-23. (SSCI Impact Factor: 2.505; Cited by 11)
2019. “Taiwan’s Indigenous Languages Development Act: Democratic Politics, Transitional Justice and the Quest for Diplomatic Recognition”. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 40(8): 652-664 (SSCI Impact Factor: 2.814; Cited by 6)
2018. (With Mike Medeiros) “Assessing the influence of ideology on vote choice in an ethnoterritorial context: the case of Taiwan”. Political Science, 70(3): 224-239. (SSCI Impact Factor: 1.038; Cited by 1).
2018. “Operationalizing Cultural Citizenship: Toward a Concept of Culture Regime”. Citizenship Studies, 22(3): 329-343 (SSCI Impact Factor: 1.670; Cited by 3)
2018. “National Identity Politics and Cultural Recognition: The Party System as Context of Choice”. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 25(1): 67-84. (SSCI Impact Factor: 1.333; Cited by 12)
2017. « Complétude institutionnelle et sécurité linguistique dans le monde sinophone: les Hakka à Hong Kong et à Taïwan » [Institutional Completeness and Linguistic Security in the Sinophone World: The Hakka in Hong Kong and Taiwan]. Politique et Sociétés, 36(3): 73-91.
2016. “Legislating Language in Taiwan: From Equality to Development to Status Quo”. Language Policy, 15(4): 415-432. (SSCI Impact Factor: 1.195; Cited by 5)
2014. “The Mother Tongues as Second Languages: Nationalism, Democracy and Multilingual Education in Taiwan”. Current Issues in Language Planning, 15(3): 393-408. (SSCI Impact Factor: 0.978; Cited by 13)
2013. “In Search of Linguistic Identities in Taiwan: an Empirical Study”. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 34(5): 431-444. (SSCI Impact Factor: 1.639; Cited by 18)
2012. “Intercultural Citizenship, Civic Nationalism and Nation Building in Québec: From Common Public Language to Laïcité”. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 12(2): 227-248. (SSCI Emerging Sources; Cited by 21)
Book chapters (7):
2024. "Lost in Traditions? Continuity and Change in Hong Kong's Language Regime. Dans Ericka Albaugh, Linda Cardinal et Rémi Léger *dirs.), States of Language Policy: Theorizing Continuity and Change. Cambridge University Press.
2023. “Indigenous rights, urban development and land controversies in rural Hong Kong”. In Betty Yung, Francis Lee and Baldwin Wong (eds.), Rights and Urban Controversies in Hong Kong: Eastern and Western Perspectives, Springer.
2023. “Making Hong Kong Chinese: State Nationalism and its Blowbacks in a Recalcitrant City”. Article republished in Daniel Cetrà and Coree Brown Swan (eds.), State and Majority Nationalism in Plurinational States, Routledge.
2022. “Québec: from autonomism to sovereignism and back again”. In Brian Fong and Atsuko Ichijo (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Comparative Territorial Autonomies, Routledge.
2020. “Federalism, Democracy and National Diversity in 21st Century China: Reinterpreting Hong Kong’s autonomy, subverting its democracy”. In Alain G. Gagnon and Arjun Tremblay (eds.) Federalism, Democracy and National Diversity in the 21st Century, Palgrave.
2015. “Mandarin State Tradition and Language Regime Change in Taiwan”. In Linda Cardinal and Selma K. Sonntag, State Traditions and Language Regimes. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s, 154-169. (Cited by 9)
2011. “Theorizing Language Rationalization in Greater China: Political Transition, Self-Governance and Language Outcomes in Post-Handover Hong Kong”. In Bill Kwok Ping Chou and Yufan Hao, China’s Policies on Its Borderlands and the International Implications, Singapore: World Scientific, 199-224.
Research notes (2):
2019. A Summer of Discontent: A Glimpse into Hong Kong's Anti-Extradition Movement/???????????—?????????????. Taiwan Democracy Quarterly (??????), 16(2): 161-85. (Listed on TSSCI)
2015. « Comprendre la Révolution des parapluies à Hong Kong » [Understanding the Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong]. Optimum Online: The Journal of Public Sector Management, 45(1): 6-16.
Book reviews (2):
2017. Review of “(Author: Amy H. Liu) Standardizing Diversity: The Political Economy of Language Regimes”. Linguistic Minorities and Society, 8(1): 128-130.
2013. Review of “(Author: Ann Heylen) Japanese Models, Chinese Culture and the Dilemma of Taiwanese Language Reform”. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 34(5): 496-498.